Three Nighttime Routines for Success

For most of us, the discipline of a nighttime routine is much more difficult than your morning skin care routine. We at JOËLLE MARTINE believe that when you experience extraordinary results, you will have ample motivation. With this in mind, we have thoughtfully formulated our nighttime line up to give you the best results so that you know it is worth your time.

Our skin cell growth and repair happens at night. While you sleep, cells are most receptive to nutrients and it is when their repair and anti-aging benefits have maximum impact. We have formulated our recommended nighttime products to contain the hardest working ingredients like peptides, retinols, glycolic, lactic, and salicylic acids so that while you sleep your skin becomes more radiant and gorgeous. Who knows? Maybe once you develop the habit of a 5-minute nighttime routine, you will become motivated to ramp up your success by adding a masque.

JOËLLE MARTINE 5-Minute Nighttime Routines


Remove makeup with Cleansing Water and Toner.

*Cleanse with Clean and Tone or Oat Cleanser (You can alternate them or use the one you love the most) .

*Spritz with Mineral Mist.

Apply one of our Organic Emu Oils: Emu Nectar, Rose Oil, or Liquid Gold.

*Apply Moisturizing Night Serum (Most need to acclimate to this powerful product by starting two nights a week for a few weeks, then increase frequency as tolerated to use every night. Nights off, use Moisturizing Day Serum in its place.)

* Must do. Adding in the other products will increase your success rate.


Remove makeup with Cleansing Water and Toner.

*Cleanse with Oat Cleanser.

*Apply Clear Skin Cocktail 7.5%.

*Spritz with Mineral Mist.

Apply Organic Girl's BFF to any acne spots.

*Apply a pea-size amount of Moisturizing Night Serum. 

(Some people with oily skin are oily on the surface but, just underneath, are extremely dry. This is a tricky situation to remedy, so introducing acid products one at at time is best. It is quite possible that one should start with Moisturizing Night Serum over Clear Skin Cocktail and then, add the Clear Skin Cocktail if they feel they need it.

If you cannot tolerate the Moisturizing Night Serum, use Moisturizing Day Serum.)

* Must do. Adding in the other products will increase your success rate. 


*Double cleanse with Oat Cleanser.

*Spritz with Mineral Mist.

*Apply Emu Nectar.

*Apply Moisturizing Day Serum.


Moisturizing Night Serum, two nights a week. Once tolerated without causing redness or irritation, graduate to using more frequently. If you only can use this product twice weekly, that is okay.

* Must do. Adding in the other products will increase your success rate. 

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